Our animal husbandry and production practices eliminate the need for antibiotics use typically found in large commercial animal protein production.
Offered free-choice constant ration of locally-milled non-GMO food. This food includes non-GMO roasted soy, corn, wheat, barley, and oats.
Animals raised outside on pasture as seasonally appropriate. Moved every day to new, fresh grass, with constant access to water and supplemental food.
Defined by the Livestock Conservancy: Heritage breeds are traditional livestock breeds that were raised by our forefathers. These are the breeds of a bygone era, before industrial agriculture became a mainstream practice... Heritage animals once roamed the pastures of the world's pastoral landscapes, but today these breeds are in danger of extinction.
Vegetarian foods are those that exclude meat, poultry and seafood. Dairy and eggs can be included.
Vegan foods are those without animal products, including meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, eggs and honey.
Products labeled "gluten-free" are packaged products in compliance with FDA regulations or fall within certain categories of single-ingredient foods that do not contain any gluten ingredients and do not indicate production in a facility that also processes gluten ingredients.
Organic products have been certified by accredited Organic-certifying agencies.