Honeymoon Farm June Newsletter

posted on

July 1, 2020

Hello there!

Summer is *definitely* here. Farming has a way of attracting piles of dirty dishes, and heaps of dirty laundry in the late spring and early summer. Long days rewarded with warm nights, fields of fireflies just after dusk, bright starts in a clear sky, or an afternoon rain with clouds so thick you swear it's nighttime. It's never a dull moment, and the to-do lists never end. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Gary's family tradition each summer is to have a family 4th of July party where everyone brings a dish (we usually bring mushrooms), and we hang out around the pool watching the kids play and splash the dog, who clearly just wants to play fetch in all the excitement.


Our parties will look much different this year, for a few reasons. Of course we are all still keeping our circles small in a COVID world, but this year is also something very special for us - Gary and I are getting married on the 4th!

If you're planning a 4th of July celebration, or any party this summer, for that matter, mushrooms are a great addition to the menu. So enjoy today's list of our 3 favorite mushroom recipes for summer parties:

  1. Crab Stuffed Mushrooms (recipe courtesy of cafedelites.com)
  2. Grilled Portobello Mushrooms
    Break the stems of the portobellos off and place portobellos in a bag or a bowl. Coat with italian dressing, and let sit for about 30 minutes. Cook on a hot grill until mushrooms are tender. Great served on a burger or instead of a burger for a veg friendly cook out option.
  3. Mushroom Strata - great choice for a family brunch!

That last recipe was made by our very own Brittany (you might recognize her from Flying Plow Farm!) She has joined us on our private Facebook group to share with you recipes and tips and ways to use our delicious mushrooms. If you're not already in the group, you can request access by clicking below:

Join the Mushroom Club!


Because of our wedding this weekend, we will NOT be accepting any pre-orders for pick up at our usual farmers markets. You will, however, be able to pick up some mushrooms from Caroline and Lauren in person at the Bel Air Farmers Market on Saturday from 7am - 11am.

Get Directions

Wishing you clear skies and the best of weekends, filled with great food, family and friends from a social distance, and lots of love and laughter.

Yours in flavor,

Liz Schew (almost Hopkins!)
Honeymoon Farm &
Medina Mushrooms

P.S. If you're looking for something to do around 5pm on the 4th of July, feel free to pop into our *virtual* wedding on Facebook, where we will be streaming live! Click below to go to our Facebook Event page - RSVP as "going" to get notified when we start!

Get the Party Started!

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